A pair of Great Horned Owls have chosen to nest in the middle of a busy retirement community, Saddlebrooke in Tucson, Arizona. For two years the neighborhood has gathered under their mesquite tree to observe the growth and development of the owlets. The third year it was decided to put up a webcam for better viewing and to help cut down on the dog walkers, photographers, and cars stopping to view these remarkable creatures and listen to their various vocalizations. Tucson is quite hot from May-October, yet the birds have adapted well not only to the climate but to the very loud noises of roadwork, landscapers and house repair workers. They feed on neighborhood rats, snakes, scorpions and other birds and animals.
NOTE: If you are local, when going to the nest, please don’t linger under the tree too long and keep direct eye contact to a minimum. Also, please respect the privacy of the tree owners by not going into their yard. The webcam should help with this. Also, don’t imitate the owl vocalizations, that disturbs them.